Even if you don't think you're a storyteller, you CAN use the power of story to communicate numbers that inspire action.
Be Influential
​Most business and finance leaders are great at reporting and providing financial information to their teams, clients and stake holders.
BUT not many are great at moving from just providing this awareness to inspiring action!
Except for you! When you discover how to use the power of story to communicating numbers that take your teams from awareness to ACTION!
Are you ready to stand out in your work?
Dear Friend
If you are a business or finance leader looking to stand out, increase value, and become a change-maker, then this mini-course may be the most important content you will consume
This mini course isn't a magic bullet that will make you an engaging and transformational financial storyteller over night. What you will learn takes a lot of time, effort and work...BUT has been incredibly effective for me and those I've helped skyrocket their careers, increase their confidence and become invaluable assets to the company's they serve.
By mastering the skills of storytelling to of share financials in engaging and inspiring ways, your message will never land on deaf ears.But if you're willing to do the work, you will get results.
So with that said, let me tell you..

Effectively weave stories into your presentations, meetings and every day conversations using a simple framework
Discover the key reasons why you should use story to create engaged and inspire teams that move companies forward.
There are key moments that every leader should be incorporating story to drive impact and influence. Learn how to identify these opportunities.
There's no fluff. I promise
This program is different than any other business storytelling or finance presentation program you've seen. I know this because I've taken many of them throughout my career.
And even after consuming course after course to figure out to become a better financial presenter of information, I was left to figure things out all on my own.
I don't give you a lot of fluff, like "keep it simple" or "don't use jargon".
No! I walk you through the exact framework on how incorporate story and analogy into your financial message to make sure your message sticks.
You'll immediately see the exact method I take when crafting killer financial presentations to ensure you become an engaging and inspiring presenter.
This mini course will also show you how to move your audience to action. Even if you don't consider yourself a storyteller or if you've said to yourself before I don't know any stories.
This course will show you how to find the stories in your organizations that your teams & clients will resonate with.
This same system translates to your every day conversations so your teams & clients begin to see you as a value driver because you help them understand numbers in simple ways.

This same system helps you spearhead initiatives and become the sought after resource to communicate strategic goals to move your company & clients forward.
This same system helps you become an inspirational leader that instills trust and loyalty in the entire organization.
This is how you move from number cruncher to strategic advisor.
As you can see, becoming an effective financial storyteller doesn't just help you get a huge pat on the back when you crush your presentations, but it helps you become an influential leader that gets results.
ONLY $49

7 NO Fluff Videos
How being a financial storyteller will make you an influential leader and help you stand out​
The key moments in which story should be used for maximum impact
An easy way to create a good hook that grabs your audiences attention in a strategic business story
Two simple rules to follow to create your best slide deck
The true goal of every presentation
How and where to find the stories to use when sharing financials
The elements to have in every good strategic story
The three questions you MUST ask before your begin to prepare any presentation
How to map out the journey you want to take your audience on when presenting financials
How to create emotional connections even in a finance presentation
A simple technique that engages and capture the interest of your audience
The exact step by step framework to craft out your best financial presentation
How to create confidence when delivering your presentation even if you hate giving presentations
When I was working my way up the corporate ladder to CFO I knew this was a skill I needed to master to get my seat at the table.
I had just come back to the corporate finance world after a 5 year hiatus running my cookie company and although I knew I had the technical skills, the education and through my entrepreneurial experience the business acumen to do a good job helping my fast growing start up scale well but I couldn't shake the feelings of doubt that I'd been out of the game for too long.
I knew helping the executive team, the management team and the entire company understand the numbers of their business we could collectively change the numbers of the business and accelerate their growth significantly, but I didn't know how.
For the first year or so I was there, my financial meetings and presentations basically fell on deaf ears.
I would present beautifully detailed reports of all the metrics and financial results but each month we'd run through the numbers and it was evident...they appreciated the information but it didn't penetrate and no action was taken.
This was until I began to incorporate stories.
No more jargon. No more facts & data to persuade.
Just simple stories that became more meaningful than the data ever was. And that's when I realized that was my secret weapon to going from
number reporter to strategic partner.
And it was a game changer to allow me to finally find my place back in the corporate world where I could drive the most value.
But it was a lot of work to discover this on my own.
I tried to find resources and gurus who could teach me how to translate the rules of storytelling to sharing financials and financial performance BUT there were none.
At least none that shared the how.
Most of the information I could find only shared the why but never the how.
I had to sit in my apartment after the kid (at that time) went to bed with my husband brainstorming analogies and metaphors to make complex accounting and finance terms simple.
And how to take the elements of a good story and translate them to numbers over a couple bottles of wine.
And because I spent all that time and put in all that work, you don't have to.
It's time to stop the old way of communicating numbers that often leave your listeners uninspired and embrace the new way of leading teams to action!
And you'll get immediate access to it in your email.
You'l have it forever and you'll never lose access to it. You'll even get to enjoy all future updates or improvements to this mini course.
Oh and in case you are wondering...
I realize this is very inexpensive, so right now you might be wondering...what's the catch. There really isn't one.
You might have experienced other programs priced inexpensively that then stuck you into a recurring monthly fee. This is NOT that type of program.
I am excited for you to learn the power of storytelling and the impact it can have in sky rocketing your career!
xx, Liz Barhydt
Are you ready to stand out in your work?

PS - If you're like me and skip these long letters to get to the point then here's the deal.
I've created a 7 video mini course that shows you exactly how to craft and structure your finance presentations with stories that engage and inspire....even if you hate giving financial presentations.
And it's only $49.
There's no fluff.
No simple advice you hear all the time when it comes to finance presentations like "Keep it Simple" "Don't use Jargon" or "Use Stories".
In fact, it's all the work I had to figure out on my own when I was crafting my presentations on my career path to CFO, because I couldn't find what I needed already offered in the market.
I give you the exact framework to use to craft a COMPELLING finance presentation.
I show you how to share numbers in a way that drive action and creates change.
This is a skill that will not only accelerate your career or increase your value but will massively help secure your role as an influential leader and strategic advisor.
It's super inexpensive because it's a marketing test and I'm confident I've provided tons of value that at some point down the road you'll choose to work together further.
But also why this is a limited time offer.
Excited to see you in the Be Influential -
How to Storytell Numbers Well Mini Course
xx, Liz